Wednesday, February 4, 2009

~Girls Gathering~

As the temperature dropped last night, we were under a winter advisory with snow and blowing winds... 7:00 pm here came the prettiest snowfall in years here in Burlington, North Carolina! Forty-five minutes later, the snow had stopped here and it snowed all around us. What a bummer! Schools were letting out early today and the kids were totally ready for this so-called snowstorm that was coming. Today is Wednesday and we have the cold winds, no snow with lots of sunshine, so it's hello mosquitoes and all those little creatures of summer. Our winters can't stay cold enough, we were 60 degrees and sunny on Sunday and it is now 21 degrees at 9:00pm with warmer temperatures on Friday of 54 degrees. Hope the weather is good where you readers are.


What better way to spend time with the grandchildren
plan to have a bead party! Three of my girls are basically
like Mawmaw when it comes to creating jewelry. It is so
exciting to see them being crafty... precious little hands
beading and making bracelets for their mommies for
presents. What better gift - when it's homemade!

Kiara - Haley - Mawmaw - Katie

This is Kiara, her preference of color is purple;

she is trying to be serious here...

Another serious face here; Katie's preference of

color is pink for her mommy and she is ready to bead!

A great way to display my earrings I have made
a shutter door from Lowe's -
The earring cards are a perfect fit to show all of
my creations and more...

Chocolate Shake

Touch of Green

This is a few of my earrings and it is always amazing at the things people look for in fashion - the textures, colors and lengths of the creations they want hanging from their earlobes.


Hope said...

Hi! I love love love your idea for shutters to display earrings. Right now I display mine on a wire mesh shelf thing but when I display at craft fairs and it's windy they sometimes blow off. This is a great idea!

replica watches said...

Really this is a great and innovative idea!.. thanx for sharing.. nice..