Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Workplace:

~My workplace is at home - my room, my place, my mind~
In this room my computer is here for writing when a poem
crosses my mind or when I am making websites. Am sure
you know by now my passion is jewelry making and
writing. These are two hobbies I love; but not as much as
my family! My babies are everything to me - I want to spend
as much time as I can with them before I get too old!

My first great-grandchild, Kenzie - she is with me
three days a week. I really miss her when she isn't here.
A complete delight to spend the day with - she is my
other little model. And of course, this is her favorite necklace.
She usually cries for it, so I made her one with big beads.

~This is Kenzie very own necklace -
She is cutting her teeth with these! ~
Am making my other two babies a teething necklace.
It is important that all of them are treated the same.
A favorite bracelet I made:

I call this bracelet - "Retro" - love the colors
of lime-green, red-orange and blue with
a touch of white... It so reminds me
of the 1950's. One of Grandma's apron had
these colors in them.

As a poet, I have to write in a quiet place - when it is
serene and peaceful makes words flow so quickly from my mind.
As a beader, I am sure I could bead almost anywhere as long as I
am not bothered. Too many hands make things difficult. Being
left-handed, it is so hard to teach someone how to do crafts. I've
always been told I do things backwards - I laugh and tell them
"I do it my way!"

My card will take you to 'My Creations'
~God Bless All Who Visit Here~

Granny's Models ...

Granny's Models'

Everyone who has a hobby such as beading needs a little help now and then. The pay is good - the fees are small and I really love working with my new models! They are easy to train and get along with, providing there are enough sweets in the house!
Below are a few of Granny's Little Models...

Kiara, she is wearing a pink bling necklace (she calls it "The Pink Bling")

Katie is wearing a triple black passion necklace

Pawpaw is wearing a sweater chain necklace with a Rust - Black - Silver Bling ... (*he seems to be embarassed about being a model)

Hunter modeling his Virginia Tech Chain I made for him last year.

Kiara liked the silver & black necklace -

Katie really wants to be a model * she chose another triple necklace -
Rust -Black - Beige - Silver


Hey; please leave us a comment!!!!