Friday, December 5, 2008

Beading Addict:

Beads, beads everywhere my life is so complete
Just to see what I can make - I think it is so sweet!

A few more of my creations -

Mystic Green -

Purple Catseye -

Mossy -

Wooden Dream -

Coral Delight -

It is my passion and desire to create an item to please the eye of someone I am making a piece for. This is the utmost important reason I bead; to see
the pleasure on someones' face when they receive an item from me. That is my satisfaction, my high!
If you see anything you would be interested in -
Send me an email at
Would love to hear from you!
click here

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

~Fly, Fly Butterfly~

A beautiful butterfly on my bush
Gracefully feeding off the flowers
This beautiful butterfly coaxed without a push
Feeding herself for hours.

Butterflies are graceful creatures - I love to watch them on my butterfly bush! Such a perfect show these things can master during the fall ... In my mind I have captured this necklace of a butterfly with small crystal bicones - purple beads and a ivory butterfly pendant. This reminds me of my very best friend, Ruby who happens to love the butterflies also!

18 inches long -

Wearing this necklace will make you feel as graceful as a butterfly.

The Cacoon - 7 1/2 inches -

This bracelet is made with the same crystals and purple beads as the butterfly necklace except the center bead is my little misfit, I call "the cacoon".

Finally spread her wings to fly

Her colors of the prettiest fall

Just a hint of days gone by

Soon it awaits winters call.


Hope you enjoy... Would love a comment on these items!

Have a good day!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Always Something New!

Each day that passes by I am creating something new - after always being intrigued by a color of stone or some sort of jewelry piece I have seen in a store or on a website. Colors of fall are so beautiful now as leaves begin to change to a lusterous shade of red, brown,beige, yellow and a small amount of green. Such a wonderful warm and cool time of year when the morning air is chilly and crisp and the afternoon is warm and cozy. I am compelled to add all colors into a necklace - below there are three photos of this necklace. The smallest strand is 20" and the two other strands are 1" longer, a nice size to adorn any outfit. Happy Fall!

Triple Strand - $30.00

I named this necklace after my first granddaughter, Amber. The soft glows of beads with just a touch of yellow and red mingled with brown shows the colors of the embers of a fire for those cool, sultry nights of Autumn.

Single Strand - $20.00

Grape Champagne Bracelet
Three grape colored beads separated with silver spacers and champagne colored crystal beads makes this bracelet a dainty 7 1/2" tasteful delight to anyone.

Smokey & Burgandy with Clear Crystal
These beautiful beads separated by glass seed beads is one way to show off that outfit for fall or those upcoming wintry nights or days.
Single Strand Necklace
18" $20.00

Smokey Blackice
Another Smokey and Black beads accented with crystal and black seed beads gives this a tasteful look for your fall or winter outfit. This is a very nice and dressy necklace for ladies of all ages.
Single Strand Necklace -
18" $20.00

I do hope you enjoy these newest items on my list. If you would like something please send me an EMAIL and let me know what you would like.

Friday, September 26, 2008

~Time For Fall~

Time doesn't stand still for seasons
Be it spring, summer, fall or winter
Changes are made for all reasons
Now it depends upon the dweller.

Summer is over -

Fall is settling in

I have a few items of summer left over if anyone is interested.

Necklaces in brillant summer colors -

Painted shells of yellows and lavenders and pinks

Rainbow beads - seperated with crystal spacers.

Tropical colors -
Carribean blue - cream colors of beads
accented by pale gold crystal spacers.

These items are among lots of summer items that
are now ready for a new home.
Furnace Beads are one of my favorites to work with
blending colors with colors within the beads is fun!
In fact my granddaughter, Kiara is getting very good at
picking out colors of beads for me! Below are three she helped with.

She named this one "Halloween"

"Santa Claus"


Let us know what you think - would really love a comment or two!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Workplace:

~My workplace is at home - my room, my place, my mind~
In this room my computer is here for writing when a poem
crosses my mind or when I am making websites. Am sure
you know by now my passion is jewelry making and
writing. These are two hobbies I love; but not as much as
my family! My babies are everything to me - I want to spend
as much time as I can with them before I get too old!

My first great-grandchild, Kenzie - she is with me
three days a week. I really miss her when she isn't here.
A complete delight to spend the day with - she is my
other little model. And of course, this is her favorite necklace.
She usually cries for it, so I made her one with big beads.

~This is Kenzie very own necklace -
She is cutting her teeth with these! ~
Am making my other two babies a teething necklace.
It is important that all of them are treated the same.
A favorite bracelet I made:

I call this bracelet - "Retro" - love the colors
of lime-green, red-orange and blue with
a touch of white... It so reminds me
of the 1950's. One of Grandma's apron had
these colors in them.

As a poet, I have to write in a quiet place - when it is
serene and peaceful makes words flow so quickly from my mind.
As a beader, I am sure I could bead almost anywhere as long as I
am not bothered. Too many hands make things difficult. Being
left-handed, it is so hard to teach someone how to do crafts. I've
always been told I do things backwards - I laugh and tell them
"I do it my way!"

My card will take you to 'My Creations'
~God Bless All Who Visit Here~

Granny's Models ...

Granny's Models'

Everyone who has a hobby such as beading needs a little help now and then. The pay is good - the fees are small and I really love working with my new models! They are easy to train and get along with, providing there are enough sweets in the house!
Below are a few of Granny's Little Models...

Kiara, she is wearing a pink bling necklace (she calls it "The Pink Bling")

Katie is wearing a triple black passion necklace

Pawpaw is wearing a sweater chain necklace with a Rust - Black - Silver Bling ... (*he seems to be embarassed about being a model)

Hunter modeling his Virginia Tech Chain I made for him last year.

Kiara liked the silver & black necklace -

Katie really wants to be a model * she chose another triple necklace -
Rust -Black - Beige - Silver


Hey; please leave us a comment!!!!